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2024-06-19 06:00:35

white day是什么意思

导读 【#white day是什么意思#】“white day”的意思是白色情人节、良辰吉日,是White Valentines Day的简写,例如“They choose a white...
【#white day是什么意思#】

“white day”的意思是白色情人节、良辰吉日,是White Valentine's Day的简写,例如“They choose a white day for their engagement”的意思是他们选择吉日订婚。白天的英文表达为day、daytime、by day等。

相关例句:1、For me,march in japan was one of the loveliest months of the year,with the arrival of the cherry blossom at the end of the month and the hina-matsuri festival at the start,with white day in between and my birthday on the 27th.


2、The director of marriage registry office says they will extend opening hours around White day.


3、Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14,and White Day one month later on March 14.


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