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2024-06-28 08:01:09


导读 【#杰克逊的“颤栗”歌词是什么#】1、Thriller(颤栗) - Michael Jackson Its close to midnight and something evilslurking in...

1、Thriller(颤栗) - Michael Jackson It's close to midnight and something evil'slurking in the dark 午夜临近,漆黑处潜伏著邪恶的东西 Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart 月色之下,眼前的景象让人屏气凝神 You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it 你试图尖叫,可是恐怖震慑住了你的声音 You start to freeze as h。
