1、《中国好声音》第二季昨晚哈林健身房决出了组内冠军,最终金润吉在争议声中战胜了苏梦玫问鼎哈林组桂冠。金润吉在第一轮的车轮战中,全程以假声唱完了《后来》,而苏梦玫则是演唱了《沙滩》,《看见什么吃什么》,挺进第三轮。在冠军争夺战中,金润吉苏梦玫狭路相逢,金润吉再度展现黑人嗓音,而苏梦玫延续欧美范演唱老歌《The Best》。三位导师的意见都是选择了苏梦玫,但在最终的媒体投票环节金润吉大幅领先,而哈林的打分也倾向于金润吉。19岁姑娘止步于此。苏梦玫的音调,发音都是很棒的,有没有对原唱很好奇?一起来听听吧。
2、《The Best》
4、I call you when i need you
5、And my heart's on fire
6、You come to me, come to me
7、Wild and wired
8、You come to me, give me everything i need
9、You bring a lifetime of promises
10、And a world of dreams
11、You speak the language of love
12、Like you know what it means
13、And it can't be wrong
14、Take my heart and make it strong
15、Cause you're simply the best
16、Better than all the rest
17、Better than anyone
18、I'm stuck on your heart
19、I hang on every word you said
20、Tear us apart
21、Baby i would rather be dead
22、Deep in your heart
23、I see the start
24、Of every night and every day
25、And in your eyes i get lost
26、I get washed away
27、Just as long as i'm here in your arms
28、I could be in no better place
29、Cause you're simply the best
【#中国好声音:苏梦玫-The Best#】到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助。